Colloquium aankondiging

Faculteit Engineering Technology

Afdeling Governance and Technology for Sustainability - BMS
Master opleiding Sustainable Energy Technology

In het kader van zijn/haar doctoraalopdracht zal

Rosas Aguilar, A. (Alberto)

een voordracht houden getiteld:

Renewable Energy Cooperatives and their implications in local energy systems.



The research investigated the dynamics and ramifications of assimilating Renewable Energy Source Cooperatives (REScoop) into existing energy infrastructures, with particular attention to the Netherlands. By employing an interdisciplinary methodology, the inquiry includes socio-technical paradigms with technical examinations to illustrate the multidimensional attributes of cooperatives in energy systems. The overarching query centres on the immediate ramifications of augmented REScoop prosumption on local and regional electrical grids. Empirical findings indicate that clustering cooperative rooftop solar initiatives in rural grid architectures may be responsible for over-voltage complications that constrain the REScoops' broader scalability. Nevertheless, these limitations may be mitigated through robust citizen-led engagements that facilitate cooperative problem-solving and enhance grid resilience. Optimization of grid performance is further attainable through the strategic colocation of solar installations proximal to high-consumption electrical nodes, thereby attenuating over-voltage phenomena and reducing reliance on external grid imports. The study introduces innovative conceptual frameworks, namely the REScoop Blueprint and REScoop Local Footprint, which offer standardized and localized metrics for assessing REScoop initiatives. These insights have consequential implications for urban planners, policymakers, and distribution system operators, enabling the execution of citizen-centric renewable energy strategies. In addition, the inquiry advocates for a paradigmatic shift towards incorporating socially-oriented solutions as complements to technical specifications, thereby fostering a more inclusive and resilient energy infrastructure. Recommendations for further research include an exploration of temporal load fluctuations, energy storage modalities, and project size heterogeneity.