Colloquium aankondiging

Faculteit Engineering Technology

Afdeling Governance and Technology for Sustainability - BMS
Master opleiding Sustainable Energy Technology

In het kader van zijn/haar doctoraalopdracht zal

Buis, G.J. (Geert)

een voordracht houden getiteld:

Applying game-theory to evaluate incentives for cooperative behaviour between households within the low-voltage grid

ZaalHT 500B
Applying game-theory to evaluate incentives for cooperative behaviour between households within the low-voltage grid - Buis, G.J. (Geert)


This thesis presents an innovative perspective on addressing congestion within low-voltage distribution grids. Departing from conventional approaches, which often rely on complex market or control structures, this study applies common-pool resource theory to the distribution grid, treating it as a socio-technical system. Employing game theory and reinforcement learning, the study models interactions among self-interested players sharing grid capacity, yielding insights into congestion management strategies. The findings underscore the potential of community-based approaches, highlighting the effectiveness of rotating charging schedules and automatic load shedding in mitigating congestion. The study advocates for holistic solutions to congestion that align with sustainable energy goals, cautioning against overreliance on infrastructure investment and advocating for voluntary cooperation-based strategies that encourage conscientious energy use.