Colloquium aankondiging

Faculteit Engineering Technology

Afdeling Biomechanical Engineering
Master opleiding Mechanical Engineering

In het kader van zijn/haar doctoraalopdracht zal

Oosterveld, S.W.S. (Sander)

een voordracht houden getiteld:

Momentum-based control for compliant link quadrupeds

ZaalCR 3C


There are many biped and quadruped robots that could take over human labor. One of the main challenges for these robots is maintaining balance while walking. The momentum-based control framework has been used to address this issue for both rigid bipeds and quadrupeds. However, there has yet to be an example of a biped or quadruped with a compliant body that uses a momentum-based control framework. Such compliant bodies can either be a result of cheaper and lighter production or a design choice to improve robot performance.

This research focuses on two challenges with the inclusion of flexible bodies in a quadruped: state observation and momentum-based control. Both are applied to a planar quadruped with a compliant spine. The results of this research demonstrate the importance of including the compliant spine in both the state observer and the momentum-based controller.