Colloquium aankondiging
Faculteit Engineering Technology
Afdeling Design, Production and Management
Master opleiding Industrial Design Engineering
In het kader van zijn/haar doctoraalopdracht zal
Sehic, C. (Christopher)
een voordracht houden getiteld:
Beyond Data Points: Developing a User-Centered gait analysis platform
Datum | 06-02-2025 |
Tijd | 13:30 |
Zaal | Z105 |
As athletes and practitioners seek more personalized approaches in sports injury prevention and recovery, analysing running mechanics has emerged as a key area of focus. Joining the team at, the task at hand concerned the development of prototypes for two gait analysis platforms, providing a visual interface solution for their wearable camera-based sensors. The assignment explored User-Centred interface design and DIKW data hierarchy to bridge the gap between biomechanical data and actionable insights when applied to a specific context of use involving physiotherapists and runners. Research on applicable technologies and stakeholder interviews resulted in prototypes for a web-based interface and a mobile app. Evaluation of the high-fidelity interactive interfaces revealed responses to context-appropriate design, particularly in adapting to differences in PT and runner expertise, accommodating outdoor settings, and integrating qualitative observations with quantitative measurements. While further evaluation by end-users could benefit valuable validation and guide future improvements, this has resulted in a successful gait analysis platform design for PTs and runners.
Examencommissie |
voorzitter Handtekening d.d. |
| Geke Ludden Armagan Karahanoglu Maaike Mulder-Nijkamp Huawei Wang |
(voorzitter) (begeleider) (extern lid) (mentor bedrijf) |