Colloquium announcements
10-04-2025 13:30 Bridging the gap: How to make VR more accessible for SMEs in the engineering... Wiersma, C. (Catharina)
04-04-2025 10:00 Reframing Bookkeeping: Supporting Young Entrepreneurs in Overcoming Financial... Andel, M. van (Meggie)
31-03-2025 13:30 Design of an Interactive Shared Decision Making System in Running Training... Auji, S. (Sami)
25-03-2025 14:00 Factors in the design of ecological weeding robots, qualitative... Assem, A. van (Arjen)
24-03-2025 14:00 Queens of Science, Kings of Change, Ace of Identity: Development of a... Macias Honti, A. (Arianna)
19-03-2025 14:00 Untangling Okke’s Web: Redefining Museum Exploration Vugts, L.G.L. (Lukas)
19-03-2025 09:30 Development of an MBSE enabled ecodesign approach at Thales NL Groeneveld, T. (Tijn)
13-03-2025 12:30 Navigating EHR in Crisis Moelaert, F.A. (Fiona)
04-03-2025 14:00 Designing of Product Impact Tool tools for the specific phases of the Ethical... Kieft, T.J.P. (Thijs)
27-02-2025 13:30 Optimizing menstrual cycle tracking and data utilization to enhance... Devesa Cabrera, M. (Marta)
27-02-2025 09:30 Creating a framework that combines TAM into a User-Centered Design approach:... Winters, A.A.A. (Annet)
25-02-2025 14:00 Circular design for Benchmark: Developing a heuristic tool for circular design Hertoghe, A.M.E. (Anouchka)
13-02-2025 09:00 Using design justice and crip hacking to design a 3D printing toolkit to... Noordeloos, A. (Anouk)
06-02-2025 13:30 Beyond Data Points: Developing a User-Centered gait analysis platform Sehic, C. (Christopher)
05-02-2025 13:30 Optimizing Renewable Energy Integration and Operation in a Closed Electricity... Plegt, S.H.R. (Stijn)
28-01-2025 12:30 A guide to designing innovative products: insights from E-Mop development Jiménez Chillón, P. (Pablo)
22-01-2025 08:30 Experiment based data-driven degradation analysis on retired battery cells... Hans Thiery Tjong, (Hans Thiery)
17-01-2025 14:00 Beyond the screen: Exploring the psychological impact of the ‘MultiTech... Laußegger, M. (Marion)
14-01-2025 14:30 Future-proof layout design optimization for high-mix-low-volume,... Spin, D.H. (Dominiek)
19-12-2024 13:30 Cost reduction of gymnasium equipment - The development of a cost reduction... Broek, R.L. van den (Roman)